Wednesday, March 25, 2009

who should we fear more the gangs or police

Is this where our society has evolved to because of these Olympic games and this banking fiasco where the ones that are sworn to protect the weakest of our society are to become the victimizers of it instead where the homeless must now fear the police force that should protect them from further harm have we fallen so quickly to the point where its shoot first and ask questions later. Who was the victim? Apparently he had no police record was he just down on his luck was he a injured worker who was this poor soul who’s life was snuffed out by this police officer’s bullet(ctvlink)

Monday, March 23, 2009

the goverment and public sector pardnership

Talk about a ponsie scheme you take the tax payers money and you invite Big business to invest the other half of the investment and you keep the tolls on the projects for the next forty or fifty years the big business investor of coarse makes his money back tenfold he gets half of the toll revenues every year less kick backs of course.the only one who loses is the public they get a bridge they have to pay to get across.

America please keep your idiots at home

the terminator looking to find ways of screwing his own people by using Gordon Campbell's example.