Saturday, January 3, 2009

Dr. Kuntz its time for good men to stop this demon

The WCB and the College of Surgeons and physicians banded together to destroy this Doctors career WHY? Was he a bad surgeon? Not from what I heard and read about the man. No he would not follow the party line in other words he would not knuckle under to the wcb, this in their eyes is more then enough of a excuse to destroy a mans career.

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

is the compensation act even legal

Was the second session thirteenth Parliament OF BRITISH COLUMBIA in 1914 nothing but a farce that was being committed on the working class of this country.Due to the fact that that the fundamental right to have a injured workers cases heard before a court was being given away.The only legal way for this to be done was to have a plebiscite on the case.To our knowledge this was never done which means the so called Meredith princeable was a lie there was no historic handshake therefore no agreement

Monday, December 29, 2008

Health Canada and the Tobbaco Industry

When It Comes To Legislation Unquestionably, one of the highlights in Canadian tobacco control was the successful defence in 2002 of the Tobacco Act and its regulations. In 1997 the three major tobacco manufacturers in Canada - JTI-Macdonald Corp. (formerly RJR-Macdonald Inc.), Rothmans, Benson & Hedges Inc. and Imperial Tobacco Canada Ltd. - launched a constitutional court challenge of those sections of the Act and its regulations which impose restrictions on advertising and sponsorship, and require tobacco manufacturers to print pictorial health warning messages on cigarette packages. Officials from Health Canada, together with lawyers representing the Attorney General of Canada, participated in the preparation for trial as well as the hearings (from January through September of 2002). There were roughly 1000 exhibits at trial and 81 days of transcribed testimony. Twenty-six sections of the Act were challenged; four different sections of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms were invoked; there were additional arguments based on federal/provincial powers and other legal issues. In its December 2002 decision, the Quebec Superior Court fully upheld the constitutionality of the Tobacco Act and its regulations. Some excerpts from the ruling included,'The tobacco companies are in a particularly difficult position. They sell a harmful product and know it. They have the right to sell it because outright prohibition would be unrealistic. ... They offer no evidence to rebut the claimed ill effects of cigarettes because there is none. ... Their evidence respecting the effects of advertising was unconvincing. They are trying to save an industry in inevitable decline. They have every right to do so. Their rights, however, cannot be given the same legitimacy as the government's duty to protect public health.' (The three manufacturers are appealing this decision.)

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Mr Harper speaks with forked tongue

where the two rivers meet that Harper speaks of is where the country was stolen from the first peoples for ten shillings.And the Jewish people were returned from this country to Germany to be butchered during the second world war and the injured worker is not included in this so called human rights.So exactly does the injured work fit in to this so called human rights equation.