Friday, April 24, 2009

pivot law society and civil rights groups and community legal assistance soceity

Pivot law Society and civil liberty groups’ community legal assistance society support is just not enough and why would David EBBY ASKED Josh to sign a release if he was doing this himself in small debt court.

Pivot law Society and civil liberty groups’ community legal assistance society

Pivot law Society and civil liberty groups’ community legal assistance society support is ust not enough and why would David EBBY ASKED Josh to sign a release if he was doing this himself in small debt court.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

tired of the lies and deceit

we are taught a lie from the time we are born in this country we are taught that we live in a democracy this is false the only thing your vote means is some Politician will get his or her pension you will get little or nothing why do you think that the voting turnout's so low because we are tired of being lied too and taxed out of Existence.
REFUSE TO VOTE TAKE YOUR NAME OFF ALL BALLOTS Why vote for people that could not care less about you or your children.


This day was set aside to morn the death of workers killed on the job it should be named the day of infamy because people like Jim Sinclair and all the labour federations across the country get up on the stage with the wcb the very people that drive injured workers into being bankrupt they help to blacklist injured workers they cause the destruction of the family unit in a lot of cases in the most extreme cases they cause the suicide of the injured worker they have no place at the so called day of morning.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009


Oh woe is poor little political me I am just the NDP can you give me 10 bucks to help Shake the liberal tree after all it’s our turn to screw the public Gordo don’t be greedy after all there must be something we can take. You got all their money if they have any dignity we will take that after all it makes us feel important when we listen to them beg and whine and when we get our big pensions for screwing them we can all sit back and have a good laugh also at their expense.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009


Canada the land where they preach about human rights but where they protect the abuser what would a great man like tommy Douglas say I would hazard a guess it would go like this how could you exspect a cat whether its black or white to protect the rights of a mouse.