Friday, July 17, 2009

The Canadian Constitution and the 2010 Olmypic's

Have you ever noticed that when you ask these reporters a Question on a point of law concerning the loss of rights under the charter or Constitution they always got a smart mouth answer.

part 1 Unfunded liabilty

part 2 Unfunded liability

part 3 Unfunded liabilty

Part 4 Unfunded liabilty

part 5 Unfunded liability

part 6 Unfunded liabilty

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Tuesday, July 14, 2009


Deeming as it apply's to CCP,WCB,ICBC

Economic genocide against working poor

this will affect all the public people that are working people on welfare injured workers

Monday, July 13, 2009

Sunday, July 12, 2009

2002 Amendment to Workmens'Compensation Act in BC

Sec:34 2002 The Amendments Act

People must realize that this does not apply to you if you were injured before 2002 unless your condition worsens and you re-open your case to get more money then it will apply and you may or may not end up with less money then you had before.