Thursday, March 12, 2009


Never have the many paid such a high price for the Entertainment of so few


The hardships that will be heaped upon the public because of your lack of business skill shall not go on challenged you will pay the price.Even your children will ask why you made such a stupid move this city will long remember that you put it in a massive debt

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

the 2009 munich games?

Joseph Goebbels could not be more proud.Your business is shut down because its too close to one of our olympic venues and i would guess this applies to every venue all over the lower mainland that falls within the RCMP Security Fence.You cannot use the word or symbols even though you have been using them for twentyfive years before the olmypic's was even thought up.we do not care Port Moody if you built a Olympic size arena just in case it was needed by the athlete's you will pay me and my henchmen one million dollars if you claim to have anything to do with the Olympic's even though undoubtly you and your citizen will be helping to pay for this party for the rich and famous.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

2009 olympic games or the 1936 munich games

you would think the 1936 munich games by the vanoc the so called olmpic commitee behaves closing down business's where they please and when they please who will pay for this two week party for the fat and worthless elite.