Friday, February 27, 2009

Bea Zucco

What kind of country states it's human right's is second to none would allow this bad faith act to exist to torture the injured and maimed to victimize the defenceless to make homeless it's injured citizen's to cause it injured to commit suicide.This woman has been fighting for fifty years she's now eightysix years old talk about courage instead of abusing her this country should rewarding her courage.
This is the kind of courage that made this country great.We the abused and injured colition of canada applaud you Bea.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

treason at the highest levels

Do you want your children or grandchildren to live in a country run by huge multi-national corporations with no freedom of choice or the right to vote on who leads their country? These grounds are soaked in the blood of our forefathers all in our quest for freedom of choice and speech and the right to say no. The right to have Democracy and freedom must be renewed with the blood of Patriots and Tyrants every few Centuries. These words were said by Thomas Jefferson the author of the Declaration of Independence.